

Gynecomastia is a benign expansion of the male mammary glands. It can happen unilaterally or on both sides. Gynecomastia should be distinguished from pseudo gynecomastia (lipomastia), which is caused by an increase in the formation of fatty tissue in the breast area when you are extremely overweight. Gynecomastia is not always pathological; it can occur naturally in boys or men during certain stages of their lives. You can learn everything you need to know about it right here.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the entire mammary gland is removed in the case of true gynecomastia, the tissue cannot regenerate. The removed fat cells do not reappear even after liposuction. However, it is possible that the remaining fat cells will expand as you gain weight. This is then visible as well.
This is referred to as puberty gynecomastia. By the end of puberty, it usually regresses on its own. As a result, we would forego treatment at first. Be patient, and keep an eye on your weight, because being overweight promotes breast growth in men.
Minor weight fluctuations should have no negative impact on the outcome. Avoid gaining weight, however, by following a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. In this case, we also recommend a few days of fasting. It does not have to be a zero-calorie diet.