Hair that is thick and full has long been associated with youth, health, and vigor. As a result, as people's hair thins with age, it can be highly upsetting for them mentally. When it comes to finding a solution, those who are affected are confronted with a vast array of products that claim immediate hair loss relief. Only a few are scientifically proven, and even those that have been tried and tested must be utilized for the rest of one's life to be effective. Without years of treatment, many patients can achieve convincing results with the help of a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is a surgical treatment that involves the implantation of healthy hair into bald spots. The doctor can cover bald regions with a precise redistribution plan, making them unnoticeable. However, not every patient is a good candidate for a hair transplant. The quantity of the hair loss and the health of the remaining hair, among other factors, determine how satisfying the outcome is.

Who is a good candidate for a hair transplant?

Every patient with a sufficient number of healthy donor hairs is a good candidate for hair transplantation. To produce an optically pleasing effect, the donor hair should be moderately thick and robust. The remaining hair is reallocated during the transplantation. As a result, this technique is only useful for people who have very little or very thin hair. Eyelashes, beard, back, chest, or beard hair can also be transplanted in such circumstances, depending on the state of the body hair.


The FUE process involves removing individual hair roots one at a time. This is done with fine hollow needles or hollow drills. The resulting "grafts" are made up of up to 5 hairs and can be implanted without further subdivision. The key advantage of this procedure over FUT is that no scar on the back of the skull is visible. However, in order to receive the transplants, the hair in the donor area must be shaved down to a few millimeters. As a result, this option is better for persons with short hair.

Process of a hair transplant

Hair transplantation is a procedure that involves the transplantation of hair.

Hair transplantation is frequently done under local anesthetic as an outpatient procedure. Only in unusual circumstances is general anaesthesia required. The removal area is shaved depending on the surgical procedure. For the removal, special devices are utilized, which loosen the hair roots before delicately plucking them out. After then, small scars appear that are barely apparent to the human eye. With the use of magnifying glasses and microscopes, the groups of hair roots are extracted from the skin strip. The fragile transplants are briefly preserved in a specific nutritional solution until they are reinserted to avoid drying out or mechanical damage. The surgeon then makes small incisions in the recipient area for the transplants.

He places them at uneven intervals in order to generate a natural-looking "random" hair pattern later. Several sessions may be required depending on the extent of the region to be treated before a satisfactory outcome is reached. During each session, up to 4,000 grafts are implanted, with some cases requiring even more. Depending on the total number of hair follicles to be transplanted, it's best to split the therapy into 2-3 sessions to allow the donor area to recuperate.

What to Expect After a Hair Transplant: What Should You Expect?

The patient is immediately socially acceptable following the hair transplant. He must, however, allow for a recuperation period of roughly 2-3 days, depending on individual feelings and the amount of the treatment. The transplant location can only be cleansed with a gentle shampoo once this time has passed (e.g. baby shampoo). Depending on the activity, the job should be put on hold for 5-7 days. After the transplant, there may be some swelling and slight pain, but this normally goes away soon. Additionally, minor incrustations may develop. These fall out over the first several weeks of washing your hair, which should be done carefully. If there is a slight redness, cover creams might be used to hide it. Patients who exercise regularly should rest for the first week to allow their bodies to focus only on recovering from their injuries. After that, you can gradually return to it and raise the intensity of the workout. The sporting activity can be resumed after around two weeks. For the next two weeks, avoid going to the sauna, solarium, or swimming pool. After about 4 weeks, bathing in sea water is not a problem; however, patients with chlorine water should wait a little longer, depending on the wound healing process. UV rays can wreak havoc on hair roots that have been disturbed. During the first few weeks, patients should stay in the shade or wear a hat (e.g., a baseball cap). After the transplant, the hair follicles are compromised, causing the transplanted hair to fall out quickly. After around 3 to 12 months, fresh hair begins to grow permanently. These can be treated and styled normally if they grow back without issues. The rate at which hair regrows differs from one sufferer to the next.